Renewal Story: Rubie
It’s easy to forget that while the first Christmas was certainly joyful, it was anything but comfortable. Mary and Joseph were essentially homeless when our Savior was born, grateful for the rough shelter they were given. Rubie knows what it feels like to be homeless. “It takes a lot out of you just to survive,” she says.
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Renewal Story: Derrick
Working two full-time jobs and attending college, it was probably just a matter of time before Derrick’s schedule got the better of him. “One night I was getting off work and I fell asleep behind the wheel,” he tells us. “My car flipped over and I broke my neck in five places. I was in a coma and I was paralyzed for about three weeks."
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UGM-TC Gives Thanks For You
We touched hundreds of lives with meals provided in our dining hall this thanksgiving. During the two-day Thanksgiving celebration we served turkey, dressing and all the essentials for a traditional Thanksgiving meal.
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