• Renewal Story: Arica


    “My mother was a drug addict for most of her life,” says Arica, “but she was my best friend.” Arica’s grandmother was also addicted – to alcohol – but Arica had somehow escaped the family tendency. She had a good job and place of her own. Then her mother fell into a coma, and Arica’s life changed dramatically.

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  • Renewal Story: Stacy


    Stacy grew up with a twin brother, but the siblings took very different paths in life. “He was a very Christian guy,” she recalls, “but I was not walking in grace.” After her children were grown, Stacy felt she was left with nothing to live for. Rather than look to the Lord for comfort and purpose, she chose drugs.

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  • Renewal Story: Jesus


    Divorced, homeless and struggling with addiction, Jesus was overwhelmed by the downward turn his life had taken. Out on the streets, he says, “I did things I shouldn’t have been doing. I got hurt, I was assaulted.”

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  • Renewal Story: Ian


    This time last year, Ian was grateful to say goodbye to 2020. Recently divorced, he had barely had enough money to rent a single room for himself while trying to provide for the infant daughter he had left behind. He knew this arrangement couldn’t last. Considering his options, Ian realized there was only one way forward and it wouldn’t be easy. “I was going to have to go to a shelter”, he says.

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