• Renewal Story: Grace


    After completing 30 days in a rehab facility, Grace was given the opportunity to continue her recovery at UGM-TC. She didn’t hesitate to accept it and says it was the best decision she’d made in a long time.

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  • Renewal Story: Harmon


    Devastated by the deaths of three family members within three months, Harmon says, “I just fell off the grid. I lost everything and it just got rougher and rougher. I was sleeping in my car for a year or so.”

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  • Renewal Story: Greg


    “God, either take me or save me,” Greg prayed. Sitting alone in his car by the side of the freeway for seven days, Greg hadn’t eaten in nearly a month. When a concerned trucker stopped to look in on him, Greg knew he had been saved – and that is was “a miracle.”

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  • Renewal Story: Mary Jane


    When she moved in with her children, Mary Jane thought her “off and on” years of homelessness were finally “off” for good. Then, she says, her children moved to Corpus Christi and left her behind with no job and nowhere to stay.

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