Renewal Story: Sandra

Posted: September 28, 2018

It might seem a little early to think about Thanksgiving, but at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County, thankfulness is always in season.

Sandra had been homeless for more than two years until she exhausted all her options last October. “I had a drug addiction,” Sandra admits. “I was headed down a bad path and I needed structure in my life.”

 By the grace of God, Sandra found a hot meal and a safe place to sleep at UGM-TC. By Thanksgiving, she was enrolled in our Women’s Program and on the path to a healthy, stable new life.

“I already know what I want to do once I go to work,” Sandra says. “I want to be a peer support specialist for people who end up in this situation. I can use my experience to help them realize that a new life is within their grasp if they choose to walk the walk.”

Sandra prays that her daughter, also struggling with addiction, makes that choice someday. In the meantime, she says, “I want to be there for my grandkids. My oldest grandson just graduated high school. I want to witness his growing up and becoming a successful young man.” 

To friends like you, Sandra says, “If it weren’t for you, UGM-TC wouldn’t be able to provide the things we need to get out of homelessness and into the lives we were meant to live.”

“God has been here the whole time, but I had turned my back on Him,” Sandra says. “I’m so glad He kept after me!”

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