Dynamic Duo: A Mother and Son Teaming Up to Volunteer
Posted: January 31, 2025
When Sean Julius returned to Fort Worth from California, his mother, Trudy, was overjoyed. A volunteer at Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County for 15 years, she lost little time asking her son to join her. And he said yes.
“Living in the San Francisco area, I saw a lot of homeless people,” Sean says. “It broke my heart to see people on the street, but I was so busy. Here, my schedule is lighter, so I can volunteer like I wanted to.”
Trudy and Sean currently help out in the administrative offices, but both started out working in the kitchen — and they are open to pitching in wherever they are needed. Whatever they do, they feel blessed to be together. “We go out to eat afterwards,” Trudy says, “and spend some quality time.”
Sean’s time is still at a premium. In addition to his career in Human Resources, he is finishing a master’s degree in Christian counseling and studying for his LPCA (Licensed Professional Counselor Associate). But giving back is deeply important to him.
“We’re supposed to take care of each other,” he says. “It’s in our DNA,” Trudy explains. “We have something in us that wants to give back. We both want to make someone’s life a little better.
If you’re interested in making a difference like Sean and Trudy, fill out our Volunteer Application at https://www.ugm-tc.org/volunteer/application/.

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